From time to time, we end up on a job site that presents challenges with regard to either access to electricity or good pressure water sources. In the past, we've been able to overcome those obstacles by using lot's of extension cords and lot's of hose. But sometimes even those measures won't work.
Not too long ago we were on a commercial job site that simply had no water source. And there were none to choose from for blocks away. We decided to create a mobile pure water setup to deal with those kinds of situations.
In general what is needed is a storage tank of a couple hundred gallons, plumbed for water access, a 12 volt pump, pressure regulator. The idea is to make our own pure water at our shop and fill the storage tank, then using a 12 volt pressure regulated pump system we can perform our pure water technology on site without requiring a water hook up or power.
If you've ever had to do this, we would be interested in your set up as well!
Kevin A Scott
Pro Window Cleaning